Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mommy Milk

Never in a million years did I dream that I would still be nursing my child at 2 1/2 years. Never. The woman I babysat for in college nursed her three year old and I thought she was a little crazed. Amazing what a little age and experience do to you.

Anyhoo, we have had a number of very sweet and funny moments around the 'mommy milk' as Ladybug likes to call it. The other night, D and I were laying with out little ladybug in her bed. She was nursing, eyes closed, breathing rhythmic. D and I were holding hands. I felt so content and calm, when suddenly, LB opens her eyes and cried "All gone." We waited and she continued, "Oh no, now what are we going to do." It was such a crisis for her.

When Ladybug encounters a problem, we often will ask her how she thinks we should solve it. So imagine a scenario much like the above, a family of three, all reclining in bed in a pseudo-state of slumber when LB states yet again "All gone." So, my husband asked her "What are we going to do" as he was still cracking up from her last witticism. LB, in all seriousness turned to him and plainly stated "go to the store and get more."

Mommy milk - It does a body good. Especially Little Ladybug. When she needs comforting, she often asks for mommy milk to make her 'owwie' feel better. What is equally comforting to see is that she often shares her own mommy milk with her baby bear, treating her in such a kind and gentle fashion.