For the last year or so, some of Ladybugs behaviors have really concerned me. To name a few, she mouths everything, from her fingers, to pens, plastic, to her sister. When she tantrums, she goes on for a very long time. It is often to difficult to reach her in those moments. She does not like wearing socks and honestly, she goes, goes, goes. She is unable to sit still and focus. I can only wonder what will happen to her when she is in Kindergarten next year.
I have discussed this with my sweetheart of almost 9 years. He feels that this is simply a stage. I was contemplating that perhaps, she had some sensory issues. Then it hit me today as I was cursing to get the carseat back in the Camry. I have not been the role model of tranquility. When I get angry, perhaps my intensity looks like an adult version of my daughter getting upset. I think that I am done, for the moment, trying to pull the plank out of my daughter's eye.
For the rest of Lent, if I can be present and calm, perhaps I will be a better role model.
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