I don't want the birds and the bees to be a total surprise to my children, so I guess that I have begun introducing them to how they were made very early on. The other day, Honeypie and I were driving in the car in the old stomping grounds where my dear husband and I lived together when we were first married. "The old condo" is what we fondly call it. It was also Ladybug's first home and she still talks about how she misses her room with "two doors". At any rate, I pointed out to Honey pie the place where we used to live when the following conversation ensued:
Me: There is the place where your mommy, daddy, and sister used to live.
H: Me go with you?
Me: Well, actually you were not born yet.
H: Me go with you, Mommy?
Me: Well, actually, you were with me, but you were a little egg. In fact, you and your sister have been with me my entire life. You were just little eggs.
H: Then me broke open. Me biddy.
Me: Well, not exactly,but I am so glad that you are here.
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