Sunday, October 11, 2009

Big Mommy and Other Odds and Ends

SP: Mommy, you look nice.
Me: Wow, Sweet Pea that was really nice to say that (especially since my hair was a mess, and my attire included a blue hooded sweatshirt and jeans).

It was this comment, in addition to the fact that my daughter does not recognize me in Wedding Photos, that I have realized that maybe I have let myself "go" as we should say. I asked my husband this question, and very odd look came upon his countenance. I know, he was between a rock and a hard place, with neither looking very appealing.


She says the funniest things these days. Both D and I really enjoy these new found conversations. Yesterday, she admittted that she had a "really good daddy" and I was her "big mommy."

I had to work yesterday and with Sweet Pea under the weather, D stayed home to play Daddy/doctor. Because she had been enduring fevers for the previous two days, we were trying to get her to drink. While this is generally not a problem for me since she is still nursing, D is lacking the goods. To convince her to drink water, her dad had to sip water out of his water bottle. She seemed to fall for it and also began to drink. Then, she turned the tables on her dad.
SP: Want water?
D: No
SP: Ok, go ahead, Daddy.
D: No thank you, Sweet Pea. You drink it.
SP: Go ahead, Daddy.

Small blessings and contentment: Your soul mate cooking in the kitchen, your little one nuzzled in your lap, a roof over your head, and a sense of peace.

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