Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Darndest Things. . .

We have had a lovely autumn day. Following the zoo (for the second time in three days), and a well deserved nap, my husband decided to grill. Sweet Pea and I were sitting in the chair beneath the birch tree,waiting for the coals to get hot.
Me: Sweet Pea, wouldn't it be great if we could sleep out here in this chair?
Sweet Pea: YEAH!
Me: But wait, wouldn't we get cold?
SP: No!
Me: But wait, where would we go to the bathroom? I would hate to have to climb up all those stairs!
SP: Outside.
Me: What? Where would we go to the bathroom?
SP: Outside!
Me: But where outside?
SP: On the floor. Right there!

I guess this explains why we are not fully potty trained at the moment. But oddly enough, that really does not bother me. Every child's journey is different. It's not like we will send out kids off to college in diapers.

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